
Generation zero map coordinates
Generation zero map coordinates

Travel to Muskudden Port Complex (Safehouse) and run West to the small grey square sitting on the water's edge where you will find a satellite tower. 4781.650, 132.709 - Mountain Region North of Muskudden, West of Kilslagen, and South of Klinte. The bunker is located East of Ramberga homestead, right side of the red line (road) beneath the white circle where a red line runs through it.ġ882, -3245.2 - Inside of a cargo container on a river bank. The schematic sits on a white table inside a radar room of the bunker. Inside Beredskapsforrad bunker (East of Knaperanna Farm and West of Saveredsberg Data Center) on a white table inside the radar room

generation zero map coordinates

At the top, you will find a satellite tower with a computer sitting on a table - click on the computer. Travel to Torsberga Fort (Safehouse, East) then run Northwest (above Torsberga Fort, military base) up the hills towards the thick dark olive green line on the map. 4612.4, 4238.6 - South Coast Region South of Fiskeback Settlement and Northeast of Lysehamn Settlement. The blueprint is on the inside wall of a red shipping container slightly sunken into the mud near the water. On the map there will be a grey line with one end appearing to be in the water. 3764.334, 2434.706 Travel to Breviken Camp (safehouse) and follow the water's edge North.

Generation zero map coordinates