
Time warp meaning
Time warp meaning

time warp meaning

“Some work we’ve been doing for DARPA Defense Science Office is the study of some custom Casimir cavity geometries,” explained White at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Propulsion Energy Forum in August of 2021, an event attended by The Debrief. White began his latest DARPA-funded research into custom Casimir cavities (a unique, micro-scale structure with all types of promising applications), he definitely did not expect to stumble upon this potentially historic discovery, particularly one supporting a theoretical concept that has often defined his public persona. Therefore, it is not surprising that back when Dr. It is often said that timing is everything. TIMING IS EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY AT WARP SPEED Now, it appears the situation has changed.

time warp meaning

However, like Alcubierre and White before them, the warp concepts of these would-be visionaries all still remain theoretical in nature. Since then, The Debrief has covered a number of physicists and engineers taking their own stabs at designing a viable warp drive, including an entire group of international researchers working on a warp drive that requires no exotic matter. It also resulted in the informal renaming of the original theoretical design, a concept now more commonly referred to as the “Alcubierre/White Warp Drive.” This change in design dramatically reduced the exotic materials and energy requirements of the original concept, seemingly providing researchers and science fiction fans alike at least a glimmer of hope that a real-world warp drive may one day become a reality. White, a then NASA-employed warp drive specialist and the founder of the highly respected Eagleworks laboratory, reworked Alcubierre’s original metric and put it into canonical form. Over a decade later, this theory underwent a major shift, when Dr.

time warp meaning

That solution was lauded for its elegant mathematics, yet simultaneously derided for its use of theoretical materials and massive amounts of energy that appeared virtually impossible to engineer in any practical way. More specifically, he outlined a spacecraft propulsion system previously only envisioned in science fiction that can traverse the cosmos above the speed of light without violating currently accepted laws of physics. In 1994, Mexican Mathematician Miguel Alcubierre proposed the first mathematically valid solution to the warp drive. Theoretical Warp Bubble Structure: Image Credit LSI THEORETICAL WARP DRIVES AND SCIENCE VISIONARIES “To be clear, our finding is not a warp bubble analog, it is a real, albeit humble and tiny, warp bubble,” White told T he Debrief, “hence the significance.” White cautioned that this does not mean we are near building a fully functioning warp drive, as much more science needs to be done (Updated 08/12/21). In an interview, White added that “our detailed numerical analysis of our custom Casimir cavities helped us identify a real and manufacturable nano/microstructure that is predicted to generate a negative vacuum energy density such that it would manifest a real nanoscale warp bubble, not an analog, but the real thing.” In other words, a warp bubble structure will manifest under these specific conditions. Harold G “Sonny” White has reported the discovery of an actual, real-world “Warp Bubble.” And, according to White, this first of its kind breakthrough by his Limitless Space Institute (LSI) team sets a new starting point for those trying to manufacture a full-sized, warp-capable spacecraft. Warp drive pioneer and former NASA warp drive specialist Dr. (Updated 08/12/21: Additional comments from Dr.

Time warp meaning